-rwxr-xr-x 10685 djbsort-20180729/build
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import string import re import platform import sys import os import subprocess import shutil import datetime def readfile(fn): with open(fn,'r') as f: return f.read() def writefilebinary(fn,s): with open(fn,'wb') as f: f.write(s) def writefile(fn,s): with open(fn,'w') as f: f.write(s) def copymkdir(old,dir): try: os.makedirs(dir) except: pass shutil.copy(old,dir) project = 'djbsort' version = readfile('version').strip() shorthostname = platform.node().split('.')[0].lower() okcharacters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits shorthostname = ''.join(c for c in shorthostname if c in okcharacters) startdir = os.getcwd() work = '%s/link-build/build-%s/%s' % (startdir,version,shorthostname) shutil.rmtree(work,True) os.makedirs(work) notes = '%s/notes' % work os.makedirs(notes) log = open('%s/log' % notes,'w') hinternal = '%s/include' % work shutil.copytree('h-internal',hinternal) tmp = '%s/tmp' % work hexternal = '%s/link-install/run-%s/%s/include' % (startdir,version,shorthostname) shutil.rmtree(hexternal,True) shutil.copytree('h-external',hexternal) results = '%s/link-build/obj-%s/%s' % (startdir,version,shorthostname) shutil.rmtree(results,True) os.makedirs(results) logprevious = None def lognow(x,y=''): global logprevious x = re.sub('\n','_',x) output = '%s\n' % x if y: try: y = y.decode() except: pass for z in y.splitlines(): output += '> %s\n' % z now = datetime.datetime.now() if logprevious == None: logprevious = now duration = (now - logprevious).total_seconds() logprevious = now log.write('%s === %9f === %s' % (now.ctime(),duration,output)) log.flush() sys.stdout.write(output) sys.stdout.flush() lognow('build starting') lognow('version %s' % version) lognow('hostname %s' % shorthostname) def guessarchitectures(c): try: command = '%s -dumpmachine' % (c) p = subprocess.Popen(command.split(),cwd=tmp,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) out,err = p.communicate() assert not err if p.returncode: lognow('dumpmachine exited %s' % (p.returncode)) out = out.decode() if out.startswith('x86_64'): return ['x86','amd64'] if out.startswith('i686'): return ['x86'] if out.startswith('i386'): return ['x86'] if out.startswith('aarch64'): return ['arm','armeabi','aarch64'] if out.startswith('arm'): return ['arm','armeabi'] return except Exception as e: lognow('dumpmachine failed %s' % e) return def compile(c,c_,tmp,dir,f): try: command = '%s -fvisibility=hidden -c %s' % (c,f) p = subprocess.Popen(command.split(),cwd=tmp,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) out,err = p.communicate() assert not err if out: lognow('output',out) try: os.makedirs('%s/%s/%s' % (notes,c_,dir)) except: pass writefilebinary('%s/%s/%s/%s' % (notes,c_,dir,f),out) if p.returncode: lognow('%s/%s compiler exited %s' % (dir,f,p.returncode)) return False return True except Exception as e: lognow('%s/%s compiler failed %s' % (dir,f,e)) return False def checknamespace(tmp,dir,fo,namespace): for symbol in subprocess.check_output(['nm','-pP','--defined-only','%s/%s' % (tmp,fo)]).decode().splitlines(): symbol = symbol.split() if symbol[1] in ['b','d','r','t']: continue if symbol[0] == namespace: continue if symbol[0].startswith('%s_' % namespace): continue if symbol[0].startswith('__x86.get_pc_thunk.'): continue x = '%s_priv_%s' % (namespace,symbol[0]) lognow('%s warning: namespace violation: %s %s %s %s' % (dir,fo,symbol[0],symbol[1],x)) # ----- compilers compilers = {} compilers['c'] = readfile('compilers/c').splitlines() compilerarchitectures = {} for c in compilers['c']: c = c.strip() if c == '': continue c_ = re.sub(' ','_',c) copt = c shutil.rmtree(tmp,True) os.mkdir(tmp) lognow('compilers/abiname.c compiling %s' % c) shutil.copy('compilers/abiname.c',tmp) if compile(copt,c_,tmp,'compilers','abiname.c'): copymkdir('%s/abiname.o' % tmp,'%s/%s/%s' % (results,c_,'compilers')) x = 'void djbsort_base(void) { ; }' writefile('%s/base.c' % tmp,x) if compile(copt,c_,tmp,'compilers','base.c'): copymkdir('%s/base.o' % tmp,'%s/%s/%s' % (results,c_,'compilers')) a = guessarchitectures(c) if a: compilerarchitectures[c] = a # ----- cpucycles for counter in sorted(os.listdir('cpucycles')): source = 'cpucycles/%s' % counter if not os.path.isdir(source): continue for c in compilers['c']: c = c.strip() if c == '': continue c_ = re.sub(' ','_',c) if c in compilerarchitectures: if os.path.exists('%s/architectures' % source): if all(abi.strip() not in compilerarchitectures[c] for abi in readfile('%s/architectures' % source).splitlines()): lognow('%s skipping architecture %s' % (source,c)) continue lognow('%s compiling %s' % (source,c)) shutil.rmtree(tmp,True) os.mkdir(tmp) shutil.copy('%s/cpucycles.c' % source,tmp) shutil.copy('%s/implementation.c' % source,tmp) shutil.copy('cpucycles/osfreq.c',tmp) shutil.copy('cpucycles/test.c',tmp) copt = c copt += ' -I%s' % hinternal if compile(copt,c_,tmp,'cpucycles','cpucycles.c'): if compile(copt,c_,tmp,'cpucycles','implementation.c'): if compile(copt,c_,tmp,'cpucycles','test.c'): dir = '%s/%s/%s/%s' % (results,c_,'cpucycles',counter) copymkdir('%s/cpucycles.o' % tmp,dir) copymkdir('%s/implementation.o' % tmp,dir) copymkdir('%s/test.o' % tmp,dir) if os.path.exists('%s/architectures' % source): copymkdir('%s/architectures' % source,dir) checknamespace(tmp,'cpucycles','cpucycles.o','djbsort_cpucycles') checknamespace(tmp,'cpucycles','implementation.o','djbsort_cpucycles') # ----- sorting types = readfile('TYPES').splitlines() for t in types: t = t.strip() if t == '': continue if not os.path.isdir(t): continue o = '%s_sort' % t for impl in sorted(os.listdir(t)): implementationdir = '%s/%s' % (t,impl) if not os.path.isdir(implementationdir): continue files = sorted(os.listdir(implementationdir)) cfiles = [x for x in files if x.endswith('.c')] sfiles = [x for x in files if x.endswith('.s') or x.endswith('.S')] files = cfiles + sfiles shutil.rmtree(tmp,True) shutil.copytree(implementationdir,tmp) # implementations are not allowed to provide compiler.c files += ['compiler.c'] if not 'version.c' in files: x = '' x += '#include "%s.h"\n' % o x += 'const char %s_version[] __attribute__((visibility("default"))) = "%s";\n' % (o,version) writefile('%s/version.c' % tmp,x) files += ['version.c'] if not 'implementation.c' in files: x = '' x += '#include "%s.h"\n' % o x += 'const char %s_implementation[] __attribute__((visibility("default"))) = "%s";\n' % (o,implementationdir) writefile('%s/implementation.c' % tmp,x) files += ['implementation.c'] libraryfiles = list(files) shutil.copy('%s/cycles.c' % t,tmp) shutil.copy('%s/works.c' % t,tmp) files += ['cycles.c','works.c'] ok = True for f in files: if f[0] == '-': lognow('skipping %s because of invalid filename %s' % (implementationdir,f)) ok = False for c in f: if not c in string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '._-': lognow('skipping %s because of invalid filename %s' % (implementationdir,f)) ok = False if not ok: continue for c in compilers['c']: c = c.strip() if c == '': continue c_ = re.sub(' ','_',c) if c in compilerarchitectures: if os.path.exists('%s/architectures' % implementationdir): if all(abi.strip() not in compilerarchitectures[c] for abi in readfile('%s/architectures' % implementationdir).splitlines()): lognow('%s skipping architecture %s' % (implementationdir,c)) continue lognow('%s compiling %s' % (implementationdir,c)) cquoted = c cquoted = re.sub(r'\\',r'\\\\',cquoted) cquoted = re.sub(r'"',r'\\"',cquoted) compilerc = '' compilerc += '#include "%s.h"\n' % o compilerc += 'const char %s_compiler[] __attribute__((visibility("default"))) = "%s";\n' % (o,cquoted) writefile('%s/compiler.c' % tmp,compilerc) ok = True for f in files: copt = c if f[-2:] in ['.s','.S']: copt += ' -DPRIVATE=' else: copt += ' -DPRIVATE=__attribute__((visibility("hidden")))' copt += ' -I. -I%s -I%s' % (hinternal,hexternal) lognow('%s/%s compiling' % (implementationdir,f)) if not compile(copt,c_,tmp,implementationdir,f): ok = False # but keep going through files to collect error messages if ok: lognow('%s compiled %s' % (implementationdir,c)) dir = '%s/%s/%s' % (results,c_,implementationdir) for f in files: fo = f[:-1] + 'o' copymkdir('%s/%s' % (tmp,fo),dir) if f in libraryfiles: checknamespace(tmp,implementationdir,fo,'djbsort_%s' % t) if os.path.exists('%s/architectures' % implementationdir): copymkdir('%s/architectures' % implementationdir,dir) # ----- command for commandlib in ['limits']: for c in compilers['c']: c = c.strip() if c == '': continue c_ = re.sub(' ','_',c) lognow('command/%s.c compiling %s' % (commandlib,c)) shutil.rmtree(tmp,True) os.mkdir(tmp) shutil.copy('command/%s.c' % commandlib,tmp) shutil.copy('command/%s.h' % commandlib,tmp) copt = c copt += ' -I%s' % hexternal if compile(copt,c_,tmp,'command','%s.c' % commandlib): dir = '%s/%s/%s' % (results,c_,'command') copymkdir('%s/%s.o' % (tmp,commandlib),dir) for t in types: t = t.strip() if t == '': continue if not os.path.isdir(t): continue cmd = '%s-speed' % t shutil.rmtree(tmp,True) os.mkdir(tmp) shutil.copy('command/%s.c' % cmd,tmp) shutil.copy('command/limits.h',tmp) for c in compilers['c']: c = c.strip() if c == '': continue c_ = re.sub(' ','_',c) lognow('command/%s.c compiling %s' % (cmd,c)) copt = c copt += ' -I%s' % hexternal if compile(copt,c_,tmp,'command','%s.c' % cmd): dir = '%s/%s/%s' % (results,c_,'command') copymkdir('%s/%s.o' % (tmp,cmd),dir) # ----- finishing shutil.rmtree(tmp,True) lognow('build finishing successfully')